Jump the Q's focussed seminars will help you to step up into the spotlight... Brand Yourself! Seminar Brand Yourself! is an example of just one of our many seminars designed to help you develop your true style and image.
Personal branding is one of today's hottest topics and is an essential business tool.
What are you saying before you even speak a word? Learn personal empowerment, how to build a successful self image, and how to create brand equity in yourself. Build your brand to stand out from the competition and expand your success.
Create your signature image!
Brand Yourself! assists you to: -
Develop your true style,
Understand the importance of image,
Build an identity that complements your image,
Look slim and youthful.
A person's appearance captures your attention and their personality captures your heart. Most people will judge you first by what you wear, then how you speak and the words you say. Jump the Q's Brand Yourself! Seminar, will teach you how to leverage your image and get the attention you deserve. For more information and course content - click here.
For further information or to register for an upcoming Brand Yourself! Seminar, please click here.^^Top
Your Image @ Work Your personal and professional success relies largely on your ability to communicate your message to all target markets. A Jump the Q Your Image @ Work seminar will teach you how the art of personal promotion, and how it can help you to gain credibility and the respect of your colleagues and clients.
This seminar will help you to be more persuasive, and increase your effectiveness at work. You will learn to present yourself in a way that makes people want to listen to your message.
Research indicates that 67% of first impressions are accurate. Your personal image tells the world who you are, where you're going and where your business is going too. Develop your true potential!
We will show you how to: -
Build your professional effectiveness and profile,
Accelerate your professional succes,
Brand yourself and create a signature style WITHOUT blowing your budget.
Our Your Image @ Work seminar will help you to understand the importance of image, and build an identity that complements your image.
For more information or to register for an upcoming Your Image @ Work Seminar, please click here.^^Top
Better Brand, Better Bottom Line
Your image affects your market standing, your ability to attract and keep clients and to penetrate markets. It also affects the price you can put on your products and services. In short, your image has a powerful social influence.
Save precious advertising and marketing dollars,
Redirect valuable business resources,
Leverage your business growth with your professional image.
Improving your image is an investment in building your business. It pays to design your image to sell.
Within 30 seconds of meeting, your clients have made the following decisions: -
If they like you,
If they trust you,
If they want to do business with you.
Keep in mind most people will firstly judge you by what you wear, then how you speak and then the words you say.
Learn how to leverage your image and save money…
For more information or to register for an upcoming Better Business, Better Bottom Line seminar, please click here.^^Top Professional Image workshops are our speciality. Using a participative, fun, and motivational format, we educate your staff on how to employ the essential elements of verbal and non-verbal communication to create a business image that is an asset.
Book Launch:
Recognising the confusion surrounding professional business attire particularly with a growing trend in home based businesses Rachel Quilty has been invited to contribute to Robyn Henderson’s latest book “ How to run a successful business from home and stay sane!” to be released in October 2007. See Resource Centre for further details and Order Form
A great networking idea ..staff at Jump the Q events.
Jump the Q is delighted to invite you to be part of our volunteer staff at some of our upcoming events. Ph 1300 655 755 or contact us by clicking here.