Heartfelt thanks to Jump the Q. I hadn't realised there was so much to know. The personalised Colour and Style Analysis showed me how easy it is to ...
At Jump the Q we recommend you Brand yourself! and develop your signature style ..
The following is an extract from our Brand Yourself! seminar.
So you want to ... Jump the Q!
First you need to
Determine what is a brand?
Discover why is branding yourself is essential?
Learn the laws of branding
and lastly develop a Personal Branding Strategy
What is a Brand?
The three elements of a brand are:
1. A trademark: a brand name and logo
2. A Trustmark: Most simply, a promise to the customer
3. Perceptual - exists in the minds & hearts of your customers, employees, and suppliers
Why is a personal brand so important?
The right image unleashes your personal power. The right image amplifies your true self and your credibility. The right brand image strengthens your message.
1. You are a product. Ensure you express your potential and future worth.
2. Everyone judges by the visual image presented to them.
3. Personal success relies largely on our ability to communicate.... you can express your potential quietly and effectively without saying a word.
The Purpose of a Brand is to:
- Differentiate yourself, your product or service or business
- Achieve desired results both personally eg finding a partner, or professionally gaining promotion, or increasing profitability
Research indicates that 70% of a market will pay an additional 20 % premium on branded products, 40% indicated a 30 % premium.
Why not consider yourself a brand. You are your number one asset. Extensive research shows that improvements in brand strategy programs produce positive return .
Why is Brand Image so important? Why does someone's perception of us matter ?
In those first 6 seconds judgements are made:
1. If we like them
2. If we trust them
3. If we want to do business with them, spend time with them
Sometimes people say that, "People should not judge me by the way I look on the outside." This is a nice idea, but the fact is that you judge everyone you meet by the way they look on the outside as well. Your image directly influences your thinking, what you feel, your behaviour, and others we interact with and their thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
If you have a positive personal brand, you are attributed with other positive aspects. This is known as the Halo effect.
For example if you look confident, you will be perceived as competent and intelligent. You will be good to do business with. People are willing to accept your prices and will question you less.
If you don't have a positive image people will challenge your product, prices and question service and quality. This is called the Horn Effect. The OPSM advertisement is a great illustration of this. The girl initially is percieved as young and lacking authority and the ability to help customer. She returns from the back office with professional looking hair and glasses and immediate is given the customers respect. Same person different image , different perception of abilities.
If you have an excellent brand, reputation and references you will be:-
- Hired first
- Promoted quicker
- Afforded more authority and respect
- Your suggestions will be given more weight
- Your word becomes your bond
- You will be respected.
Interestingly enough you do not have to be in a senior position and ranking - highly respected people in any position are given greater authority.
I often hear that it doesn't matter what other people think? Are you vain? Your reputation is your most precious commodity. You are concerned about the way you look and appear to others. You are concerned about what people say and think about you. You are concerned about earning and keeping the esteem and respect of the important people in your world.
Within The Power of Branding, Brian Tracy identifies 8 Laws of Branding.
1. Specialisation:
2. Leadership
3. Personality:
4. Distinctiveness: How do your express yourself in a unique way?
5. Visibility:
6. Utility
7. Be Persistent - Be your own Brand. Don't follow trends, fads. Maintain your individual style!
8. Create goodwill
Personal Branding, is the art of self packaging. You are a very important message. Everything counts - you are either building your brand or weaken it - your choice.
Your personal image is so important, Jump the Q® has created a comprehensive image and style consultation to teach you all about your image get you looking and feeling like a celebrity. As they say, ''It's always better to be looked over than overlooked'.'.
Image management packages your skill and identity and help create the perceived value that contributes to Personal Branding.
People are looking for the edge in business. Presenting yourself for success by dressing well and using appropriate business and dining skills opens the doors for greater recognition and success.
People who are the best in their fields like Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki and many Fortune 500 CEO's engage an image consultant.
What is the best look? Dress like the most successful person in your field.
Would you like to learn more
Jump the Q is offering a Seminar on Personal Branding on Wednesday 24th October and other future dates.
Rachel Quilty is also Quest Speaking at the Connect Working Brisbane Southside Breakfast on Wednesday 7th November 2007.
To register go to:http://connectworking.info/about/
Jump the Q's seminar can help you to:
- move forward with your goals
- develop your true style
- stand out from the crowd
- become hot property
- gain admiration from your friends and family
- look slim and youthful.
What our clients and now friends have said
"Heartfelt thanks to Jump the Q. I hadn't realised there was so much to know. The personalised Colour and Style Analysis showed me how easy it is to look and feel great. It works; my family, friends and colleagues tell me how good I look. I now have more outfits with fewer clothes which aside from saving many dollars means I now pack effectively for travelling in and out of a range of seasons. As a regular national and international business traveller, thank you for making it so much easier. The colour swatch and style book provided are invaluable. It was an ideal investment for me."
Barbara Johnson - Brisbane
Personal Development Coach and Trainer
Becoming your own brand is essential
Improving your image is an investment in building your personal profile, reputation and the results you will achieve.
Good luck with your brand strategy programs! If you would like help developing a brand identity and brand image strategies for yourself or your company, contact
Jump the Q
Ph 1300 655 755
Free ebook 'Making your Mark' @ www.jumptheq.com.au
Brand Yourself! And Jump the Q! Your personal brand should reflect your abilities and potential. Rachel Quilty, Personal Brand Strategist, known as ‘the Authority’ on personal branding and author of must- have book ‘Brand Yourself’. Go to http://www.JumptheQ.com.au for FREE strategic branding tips. Rachel encourages Jump the Q clients to think strategically when developing a personal brand to get that job offer, gain that promotion or win that client.
Jump the Q assists you to strategically and systematically leverage your professional profile and build your personal brand to become the authority in your industry. Get your free personal branding tactics and tips at http://www.brandyourselfblueprint.com
We assist you to develop your Personal Brand Strategy by:
- Discovering your purpose.
- Designing your best personal brand.
- Devising a personal marketing plan.
- Developing your Signature Brand.
Copyright permission: You have permission to use this article by respecting the copyright by publishing the entire article as it is with no changes and by agreeing to include the above reference at the end of the article, or where you quote the author in which case please include the authors name and company name. In the event you wish to use any or all of this content please advise Jump the Q.