Jackie contacted Jump the Q via our Women on Boards link seeking to update and refresh her look. She admitted that with six children that ninety five percent of her wardrobe was ‘frumpy mumsy’ stuff because she had been primarily working from home.
Now Jackie was looking to obtain a directorship with a private sector organisation, she need a new look to support her Member of the Board status. She admitted that with her hectic home life and frequent work –related travel she was time poor and hadn’t been shopping for two years.
We decided that a colour and style consult was essential and that a power shop was in order. What’s a power shop? Well, it’s a term that professional image consults use to describe a shopping trip. Store and stock are reviewed quickly and it’s time to move to the next store. Within an hour or two you have reviewed stock and focussed your energy on trying and buying pieces that suit your body shape and your colouring. Without a fundamental understanding of your figure and your colouring shopping can be a chore and a waste of time.
Jackie noted “Thanks Rachel. Yes it was a power shop as you suggested. I was exhausted but we were on a mission. My little girls loved all the clothes and the necklaces. Thanks for all your help.
Within a few hours we had purchased twenty one items and re- built Jackie’s wardrobe. Jackie had a few good core suits and we were able to extend that piece with several extra tops and blouses. With a new suit and some smart dresses we restyled her member of the board look- creating a fresh and contemporary look. We added an evening skirt and some jewellery and we suddenly had lifted her look from boardroom to evening. With a pair of tights and a cardigan we moved daywear into stylish winter looks. And a pair of wedged black pumps we added a modern twist to create several elegant classical looks.
I loved that we were also able to create literally a new wardrobe on a very tight budget. And that Jackie’s girls were able to share her delight with a fashion parade when she got home. Jackie modelled her new look and the whole family shared her excitement.
Jackie, is a very clever and professional women, and it’s with a great deal of satisfaction that we can help transform her look to reflect her potential and her existing abilities.
As Mother’s Day quickly draws near, it is not only a day to thank our mother’s for what they have done for us. It is also a day to remember and recognise what it takes to be a mum.
My mother chose to remain at home while her children grew up, while I chose the career path prior to having children. With over two decades of corporate experience working with CEO’s and boards and then with my own staff and board of advisor, I recognised that my mother could have easily have ran a corporation. Instead she chose to run our family home while we were growing up.
I have heard some women say “I am just a mother.” And I consider how many of the most famous and successful personal brands have emerged from homes where their mother played a significant role in their development. Take a moment to consider some of the wonderful mothers who are behind the most powerful personal brands in the world...
To celebrate Mother’s Day, Jump the Q is offering the opportunity to enjoy the above experience.
Jackie was smart and ensured her Mother’s Day gift was exactly what she wanted and exactly what she needed. Have you been disappointed previously by last minute gifts? Have your ever been bought an expensive gift which wasn’t what you wanted or needed? Have you a cupboard full of small gifts such as soaps, powder and perfumes that you will never use?
Add up how much these gifts have cost you and your family. Do what Jackie did and give yourself a valuable gift that you will use time and time again.
Mother Day’s Special: 2 for 1 Offer - Refresh Your Image with a Colour and Style consultation and Power Shop. And bring your mum or daughter or friend for free. Normally valued at $ 2900. This week only $1450.
This is a full day starting sharply at 9am with a 2 hour colour consult with colour swatch and guidebook, a 2 hour style consult with an online style portfolio, followed by a 4 hour power shop. Jump the Q has only 10 appointments available.
This special offer finishes on Sunday 8th May, 2011. First in, first serve.